Hi everyone, I'm want to review my latest SD BB senshi Zaku 2 G Generation. The SD BB senshi that I buy because this is the SD product that have the influence of cuteness overload. The accuracy for the look and the weapons is 70% are similar with the artbox. The bazooka is the best weapons ever but for the sub machine gun and the axe are little bit tricky with the hollow part of the other side just like extended version. ( The extended follow this production ). With the quality of plastic that more thick and less hollow parts, it's kind of the best looking ever but also hard to clear the numb marks because of thickness. I'm using the Citadel technical and shade paint to give it some battle effect. I put the guntank to show the comparison of size, guest what, the guntank are for Sale, visit Izutaro FB page for more info. Thank you for your support to this blog and keep looking forward for my next artwork.
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