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GUNDAM RX-78-2 MERDEKA PROJECT , Custom and Weathering by Syazrin Syauqi

Hi everyone !, This is one of the Izutaro Project That call project Merdeka (Independence). This project need us to customize any gunpla and design it to related with independence day that will come in this 31 August. All Izutaro artist are involve in this project, like Putaro (Putra), Izumeru(Ismail), and Shizuren (Syauqi / Me). In this project I'm using RX78-2 Gundam. firstly it because this gunpla is strong with leader and fighter  features. That is what I want to related with my idea to make a gunpla that looks a fighter, or warrior that will fight till the end. and the gunpla influence base on Malaysia basic flag color and pattern, for the star and crescent I made a little bit of custom, the abstract design that I put it on RX78-2 shield. I'm using citadel base color, technical, and little bit of shade effect. for the coating I'm use Samurai Clear Matte Spray.  It takes 21 hour to finish it. Happy 60 year anniversary Independence day for all Malaysian people from Malaysia or overseas. Thank you for your support, and keep looking forward for my next artwork.  

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GPB-X80-30F BEGINNING 30 GUNDAM review by Syazrin Syauqi

BEGINNING 30 GUNDAM review by Syazrin Syauqi

Hi everyone !, This is my review and the minimum custom gunpla that I ever done!, The beginning 30 gundam from Beginning G series. The gunpla that already be my  favorite gunpla for the first time I see it on the anime, and also the unique gunpla design I ever see which is the design is influence by a play button. My idea is to make the gundam looks not too empty and I add a little bit of sticker, and for the clear part I just lay with citadel technical paint. For the coating I'm use a Samurai Clear Matte Spray. for this review I didn't make too much upgrade and customize, maybe it will be upgrade or custom, but the idea is hard to find for this kind of kit. Thank you for your support, and keep looking forward for my next artwork.      

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